This part of the site is dedecated to the anonymous Joseph Member who left me a message. If that is you reading this email me on
Select a link below to see who the great people are that put the set together and make sure it's all in working order. Who the people are that make sure the lighting and sound works. Who the fantastic musicians are that make up the Joseph Orchestra, and also who the people are that put the show together and make this show the wonder that it is.
Each section has people listed for both the UK Tour and West End vesrions.
*****COMING SOON!!*****
Past Musicians, Technical Teams and Production Teams
I will soon be adding all past crews for the show due to popular demand!!
So watch this space!!
Are you a past member? If so contact me with your info!!
- The people that keep the show running to perfection, set up the stage, sound, lighting and keep the costumes in perfect condition.